Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What's New for February?

These tough economic times have taken a toll on us again here at Chess Right. For the fourth time in the last six months, we have lost a supplier. We still have more than 200 items for sale on our site, and if you don't see what you are looking for online, ask us. We actually have many more items that are not posted online. But if you have had your eye on one of our many beautiful chess sets and don't see it on our site anymore, you will know what happened -- that item is no longer available. In some cases, there are still a few inventory items remaining before we discontinue so you may need to act quickly.

What's that? Did I hear you say that you'd love to "act quickly" for one of our chess sets but you're short of money? Consider a visit to our newest partner, America One. They are still making personal loans, even if your banker isn't. While we hope you will use your new-found funds to purchase one of our chess sets, that's really not required. These loans can be for any reason. See our website for links to all the details.

TOURNAMENTS: We have begun adding upcoming tournaments to our new "Playing Chess" page, along with links, videos and resources on how to play chess and how to play better chess. Please check back often to see upcoming chess tournaments. Maybe you can compete for some of the prize money, or perhaps you will enter one of these tournaments just to have fun meeting other chess players.

FEBRUARY'S FEATURED PRODUCT: In February, we commemorate Presidents' Day -- observed this year on Monday, February 15th, 2010. Our featured product is the American Revolutionary War Chess Set from the Studios of Anne Carlton.
This product is sold elsewhere for $199.00 plus shipping and handling. Our excellent price is $169.00 plus $15.00 for shipping anywhere in the U.S. Total cost delivered to you is $184.00 with all the Studio Anne Carlton quality and satisfaction guarantees. And who knows? Maybe you can rewrite history ...

Thursday, February 4, 2010


For traditional and unusual chess sets, visit www.ChessRight.com today!

(Sorry, none of our sets can do the fun animations seen in this video. At least, not in this universe, possibly in some parallel universe ...