Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year's Resolution

It's that time of year again. Every year I go through this reflective process about (1) what went right during the past year, (2) what went wrong / could have been done better, and (3) what I am going to do differently in the coming year to make this next year better than the year before.

This year, I have gotten very interested in this new science of the aging of the human brain. In recent years, there have been a number of products that have come to market that are supposed to help with focus, memory and concentration. Some of these products are herbal / drug supplements, some of them are software packages that offer to stimulate one's brain with puzzles and patterns, and there are some books appearing that claim to be able to lower your brain age and keep your wits sharp.

This is all very interesting -- but not altogether necessary. Chess players already know the secret to keeping their brains active. Play chess regularly! Get a cool chess set from with all the money you will save from NOT buying those brain-oriented supplements.

From that point, it's a simple New Year's Resolution: Hang a notice in the local library and offer to whomp some butt. If the game doesn't get too rowdy that it distracts the other patrons, the library staff will probably be happy to have the match right there in the library (maybe even taking bets amongst themselves in their little back room behind the checkout counter!) This will help your chess game, you will meet new people, and you will keep your brain active. An active brain is a happy brain. There is no knowing where your active brain will lead you in 2009! Enjoy!

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